One month and one week old already! How time is flying. I can't believe that it has already been almost 6 weeks since William was born. A lot has happened with Mr. Will in that time. He is almost holding his head up without support, only waking up twice (sometimes once, if we're lucky) in the middle of the night and I think we are getting glimpses of his first smiles. It's hard to say about the smiles though, we can't tell if he is smiling at us or if he just has gas, which he has quite a bit of - for a little guy. The biggest accomplishment, in my opinion, so far is how easy it is for us to put him to bed at night. It's like a sigh of relief when he's finally down for the night and Jerry and I get an hour or two to ourselves to be adults and not fear screaming or getting spit up on. Even at night, I've got it down to a science... just at the first squeak of fussing, I get him up, feed, change and back to sleep... no tears, no playing... strictly business! Poor William though has a pretty bad rash on his face that he's had for almost a week. It's either a heat rash or baby acne, either way we just have to wait it out. Hopefully it's not a heat rash because, well, we live in Florida and it's only July 1st. The heat is just getting started!
Look at how cute he is holding his little head up! He looks like a little chunker when he's lying down, which is also cute. Hard to believe he weighs almost 10 pounds! Note that I've got him on the Boppy Pillow again... on the bed... another Boppy Pillow "no-no". Really, I need to read the directions a little closer before placing my child on these things.
Nothing new or exciting to report on the Mommy and Daddy front. We are still in survival mode, but we're getting more and more into a routine. Our days of choosing between a shower, food or sleep have turned into having the ability to accomplish two of those activities a day, and sometimes, if I'm really lucky... I get to sneak in laundry, dishes or cleaning, too. It's as unglamorous as it sounds, but I know the day will be bittersweet when William becomes more independent and doesn't need us as much. Funny, I would rather talk about poopy diapers and wipe away drool than anything else right now... and I never thought I would EVER say that!
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