... plus a few days. He's a cutie and a little chunker! We had a little photo session in his little Ralph Lauren polo jumper because he is just so cute in it, and it is probably the classiest thing he owns. Unfortunately, he's almost already grown out of it. I'm determined to have a quick laundry turn around and squish him in it again.
We are finally getting glimpses of William's personality and this week has been a huge milestone for getting out of the house... we've been to see fireworks, gone out shopping and even been out to lunch in a fancy country club (where we also had our first "nursing in public" session). We've also had some visitors... Jerry's friends wife and children, and Melissa is coming tomorrow!
This is also the point in which I would have had to return to work if I was still at school. They only allow 6 weeks maternity leave, but you can request up to 12 weeks if you had worked at least one year, which I had not since I transferred counties in August. I must say that asking new mommies to return to work after 6 weeks is no where near enough time. I can't imagine having to send little 6 week old Will off to a day care because unfortunately all available family and friends that could watch him are just too far away. Lucky us, I have the summer off and Jerry will be able to work from home when I have to return to work in August.
I have since learned that the United States is one of the only "well to do" countries that doesn't offer paid maternity leave. If I didn't already have enough reasons to move to Canada or Australia, they give their workers one year maternity leave with pay. This is supposed to help with post-partum depression, nursing, and keeping young babies healthy, among other benefits. At least according to the few people I've talked to. What a concept! I mean, come on... how can you expect me to leave this face and nurture other people's germy children?
Until then, I'm not going to think about returning to work and I'm going to enjoy every minute I have with my little crankypants.
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