Experienced mothers may already know where this is going. I know this because when I Googled "Boppy Pillow images" a number of other parents have done the same permanent damage to their children.
The first day home from the hospital, I took William out of his car seat and was carrying him around. I came upon my laptop that I hadn't seen in 48 hours and needed to get my fix. So, I sat down and started to go through the usual routine... Facebook, e-mail, work e-mail, friends blogs... and of course needed to typity type type type to broadcast my newest addition and I just couldn't wait to upload photos. Well... Jerry and I hadn't completely figured out where we were going to put the bassinet and I needed a place to set little sleeping William... when I saw my Boppy pillow. This seemed like the logical place to set him down, after all, it is sold at Babies-r-Us and that means it's safe for babies. Awwww... look how cute he is... let's take a picture.
Two days later when I was using the pillow for it's intended purpose (nursing), I noticed this large warning label that says, really clearly of course, NO SLEEPING. Crap. I'm glad that I took the time to photograph the damage I am already doing to my child. Let this be a lesson... not everything sold at Babies-r-Us is safe for babies.
Exhibit B...
When my parents were visiting a few weeks ago, little William was having a hard time adjusting to life outside of the womb. Especially at "bed time". I put quotes around bed time, because it was pretty much whenever he decided he wanted to go there and time had nothing to do with it.
My mother was helping us calm him down one night and was successful in getting him to fall asleep on her chest while rocking him. I was upstairs getting ready for bed when she came upstairs and lay him down in the bassinet on his stomach - just like he had fallen asleep. I see this and first take a picture because he was so cute, then super freak because she put him to bed on his stomach! Her response? "You lived." I was shocked! MY mother put ME to sleep on my stomach? Apparently I also had toys in my crib, among other currently unheard of parenting practices. Maybe this could explain why I'm continuing the cycle of permanent damage" starting from birth?
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