It's been over 3 weeks since William was born and so far, everyone is still alive and thriving. And by everyone, I mean EVERYONE. I'm sure you probably figured that Jerry and I would live through the first month, however, there were a few points where we didn't know if we would... even before William was born. You are told over and over again that the first few months are a big adjustment and different, but no one tells you just how big of an adjustment or just how different your life will be. See photo below... this picture was taken at 7PM, William had been crying for at least 2 hours.
Most of us are well prepared for the delivery room. We read all of the books, watch "A Baby Story" and "Bringing Home Baby" on TLC, we've seen all of the latest baby movies (I must add that "Knocked Up" seems to have the most realistic pregnancy symptoms), and when we are pregnant we go to the obligatory pregnancy classes held at the hospital or elsewhere. When it comes to delivery time, we know "what to expect". What most of us, on the other hand, are NOT prepared for is for what you go through AFTER you deliver your baby. I'm not going to discourage anyone from getting pregnant and making a wonderful family with all of my disgusting details and candid facts about your body after birth... I'll let you ask me personally, I promise not to hold anything back. I do, however, want alllll future mommies out there to know that you will be VERY SORE after giving birth for at least a week. You will be very uncomfortable (yes, more uncomfortable than those last few days of pregnancy) and you will definitely need help from daddy and any friends and family that come. I have to give major kudos to any mother who goes through the first weeks single or home alone, for whatever reasons. I can't speak for anyone who has to have a c-section, I can only imagine that the recovery is a bit more lengthy and most likely more painful.
I don't want to sound like I'm not having any fun with William... he is an awesome addition to my life. I just want to put it out there - no one talks about it! I went 39 weeks worrying about how I was going to take care of this little baby, thinking that I would be fully ready to take on motherhood straight from the womb. I wish someone would have better prepared me for the fact that I would have to deal with a baby AND some major body recovery. At three weeks, I feel almost fully recovered and I'm sure that by the end of this week the only thing I'll have to battle with is the extra 5 pounds I'd like to magically be rid of. I also promise to have more upbeat posts from here on out... like I said before... I needed to get it out there for other unsuspecting future mothers. Just looking at your baby will make it all worth it though... =)
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