Over the past two weeks my belly has grown a little bit, probably with help from the excessive Christmas and holiday eating, but not enough for the general public to determine for sure wether or not I am pregnant. I'm in what I call the "looks pregnant in certain clothes" stage. I'd take a picture and post it, however another situation has arisen... barf attacks number 3 and 4.
For some unexplained reason I got sick twice between Christmas and New Year's Eve. From what I can determine, baby just doesn't like carrots, but that's a silly thing to get sick over. Any who... these attacks alone would have been harmless, but combined caused blood vessels in my eyes (yes, both of them) to burst and make me look like a monster. A seriously scary monster.
Unfortunately, when Jerry and I went out to the mall shopping yesterday I was hoping for people to look at my cute lil bump. Instead people just looked at me like... "ew! What happened to her?!"
Look for belly pictures to come soon... when the red-eyed monster has gone away!
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