Yesterday, Jerry and I went to the doctor to get our 12 week ultrasound and testing (now I look like a heroin addict from the doctor stabbing me with the huge needle). I made sure Jerry went because I know he, like most guys, is expecting to get most of the baby information from me. I would consider myself a pretty reliable source with access to Google, friends, a pregnancy forum and What to Expect When You're Expecting, but... I'm just as new to this as he is and he needs to be there in case I misunderstand (sometimes I should be blonde). I strategically leave the baby books and magazines lying around the house, and I have seen him pick them up, but the two of us are on the same page... there is such a thing as too much information. Just tell me what is normal, and I'll tell you if I'm there or not. We're not reading everything, we'll go crazy, and there is no reason for me to be thinking about how this baby is coming out juuuuust yet.
Well, I knew what I we were going to see on the scan from my research, but I left Jerry in the dark a bit. I'm pretty sure he just expected to see a little dot since I'm not really showing. Much to his surprise, and mine too, there was a little human jumping around inside my belly! It was pretty awesome. We're not criers, but I think I saw a little tear in Jerry's eye across the dark room. Or maybe it was just reality hitting! (I also think I saw a little peep... but we'll wait until December 15th for confirmation!)
Here's the new and improved baby photo!

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