If you haven't already heard the news, I'm pregnant! Jerry and I are nervously preparing for our new arrival coming this May. We found out our wonderful news September 13th, when I took a pregnancy test "just to see". Well... I didn't even need to wait the three minutes the test required, I was/am pregnant. As I was still on birth control* and babies were no where to be seen in our near future, you can imagine our surprise. After a week of "oh my goodness, what are we going to do" talk and panic, we decided that people rarely die from having babies. We rented almost every "having a baby" movie from Blockbuster (thanks HBO for showing "Knocked Up" regularly this month, you saved us $4) and watched them analyzing the characters every move. Still not convinced, we decide to talk to friends. I'm more interested in what Jerry's friends are going to say, because well, I know what my friends are going to say, and I still think that most men would rather swim with sharks than have children. Surprisingly, the majority of people he confided in actually think that having children is a good thing, and that we are going to be awesome parents. +10 points for men. Soooo... off to the doctor we go!
I'll try to put all of the original Baby Mama Drama into a nutshell, because it's just not exciting and it reminds me of the stupidity of people far too much... so here goes. Due to recently moving to West Palm Beach and getting new insurance and all that boring stuff, I didn't know where to go as far as doctor offices, so I just went to the closest Doc in the Box (Walk in Clinic, they are on every street corner) I could find, just to get confirmation and maybe a good OB/GYN recommendation. To make a long story short, I was so early on in my pregnancy that when they took a scan they couldn't see anything, and actually uttered the words, "We don't know if you are pregnant" and "It might be ectopic." Lesson: don't go to walk in clinics. Ever. If I know I'm pregnant, and you don't, you are stupid and wasted a billion years (and $) in med school.
(Enter my real doctor) After making about 100 calls and choosing a doctor purely based on how soon they could get me an appointment, we head off to the Institute for Women's Health and Body in the ritziest part of town. The office looks like a mansion from the inside with leather couches and dim lighting - I'm sold, this is the place for me. Then we meet doctor. We are both apprehensive still, as the shock has not fully passed. If you have never met Jerry, here is a picture. Keep in mind, you know me and I'm a normal size person, not 4'6.
When Jerry stood up and shook his hand, all 6'8 of him, the doctor looked at me and laughed. He then tried to compare his (maybe) 5'10 self and his wife's (apparently my size) delivery to what mine would be like. Nice try, doc, but... if our child walks out of my uterus I'm not going to be surprised. Strike one. He then notices that I was on birth control, and giggles when he hears the brand and tells me that it is notorious for this happening. Strike two, not what I needed to hear. Immediately, I turn into teacher Sarah reminding him that we're not here because we planned to be and I'm scared out of my mind. So, doc reminds me that I'm not a spring chicken anymore and that if I waited 4/5 years until I was "ready", I might miss my chance. This is the reality I needed and after the hormones calm down, I realize that I would laugh at me too - doctor can stay. Off to the ultrasound I go...

Six weeks and a few days - ish. He gave me the exact measurement, but all I heard was that my due date was moved from May 15th to May 24th and that was most likely the reason for the original mix up - I was much earlier in my pregnancy than expected.
So, here we are. Almost 10 weeks pregnant, still scared, but thankfully almost ready to be excited. I'm sure this will be an adventure we'll never forget, I'll do my best to keep everyone "posted" =)
*Note to birth control users - Yaz is apparently notorious for this "oops", take your pill according to the directions word for word. As I was not notified of this issue, I hope to help at least one person stay on her path to planned parenthood.
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