My last day of work was supposed to be May 22nd, but baby Will had other plans for me. I guess he was just as tired of hearing my students whine as much as I was!
On my way into work on the 21st, I started noticing that I was having menstrual-like cramps... but I thought nothing of it. Everyone told me that a contraction would stop me in my tracks and they were "wave-like" and started in your back. So, I just went about my day thinking to myself "baby is coming this weekend!". I called Jerry and asked him to bring some boxes from home to school at the end of the day so I could scoop up some of my bigger personal stuff, leaving a few loose ends for Friday. Here I am, carrying boxes and books and files back and forth to Jerry's truck, hardly noticing that my "menstrual-like cramps" are starting to come in a pattern. I call my girlfriend Tanya for advice at this point, because I'm convinced that this is not labor, but I just want to make sure. She tells me what I thought... those aren't quite contractions, but they're coming.
When I get home, I just go upstairs and get on the internet to my favorite pregnancy website ( to talk to my pregnant friends about my situation. Everyone agrees, not labor... but watch for it. Jerry and his friend head out to the Taco Lady for dinner and I head back upstairs after because I don't feel well and to watch the "Lamaze" video I Netflixed (and FINALLY came in... ironically, just in time). At this point, I start writing down times as I watch on the computer. I wish you could see my desk... it's covered in post-it notes with times written down starting at 8:17 and going every 5 - 8 minutes. It's at this point that I'm thinking... hm... maaaybe I should try to lay down and get some rest, I'll be in labor soon. When I text message Jerry from bed at 11:30 for water instead of yelling to him, he knew it was baby time, but I convince him that I'm okay and still going in to work tomorrow. Then, I couldn't fall asleep. I went down stairs to sit with Jerry and maybe make myself sleepy and he suggests that we call the doctor and head into the hospital. At this point, 1am, the post-it notes are saying my "cramps" are coming every 2-3 minutes. Even the nurse on the phone tells me that I can head in, but basically to take my time. Fast forward... the car ride... we hit every red light possible. Park and head into the emergency room... walk the entire length of the hospital to the baby wing and sign in.
I thought for sure they were going to send me home, another wimpy first time mom coming in with a cramp. Much to everyone's surprise, when they check me I am 8 cm dilated and about to birth this baby walking to the delivery room. They also say the dreaded... "You might be too late for pain relief". However, it takes me another 7 hours to get the extra 2 cm and they allow me to get an epidural. The cramps quickly turned into contractions and were non-stop for about 4 hours before they gave it to me. Honestly, I wish I didn't get it because (1) it only worked on my right side and (2) it felt really funny and I couldn't control my leg to push and (3) I was so scared I'd be paralyzed from the needle in my back that I probably stressed out enough to slow the whole process down.
Anyway... 3 hours after the epidural and still feeling every contraction anyway, William finally came! Pretty much everything is a big blur of nurses, doctors, Jerry taking pictures and me trying to hear what everyone was saying. I'm not sure why, but they had me and Jerry actually pull him out. Jerry and I were both confused and didn't realize that's what they were having us do... but it was pretty amazing and equally as disgusting and gooey.
William Albert Hintze
Born May 22, 2009
8lbs. 0oz.
20.5 inches
The Wellington Regional Hospital is pretty modern and does not have a nursery, so we got to stay with William all day and all through Sunday. The doctors and nurses come to your room to check him out and me as well. We got our own room and Jerry got to spend the whole time with us at the hospital. We got a lot of advice and learned a lot from our nurses and doctors and got to spend quality bonding time with William before they just sent us out into the world with a baby. Good idea... =)
Jerry, William and I are now home enjoying our time together and getting acquainted with each other. Having little Will is an adjustment, but so far a very pleasant one. I'm sure when he gets out of the *eat, sleep, poop, pee, repeat* phase, he'll be a handful though!

So cute!
Look for my next post... coming soon... "What No One Tells You About Your Body AFTER Birth"
Only because SOMEONE has to tell you...